This a very compelling email sent to me a few months back and an
amazing story to tell about how special the Indian Princess Program is.
Initial email from out of the blue from Golden Morning (I did send her the breaking arrow ceremony to use):
This is probably going to seem like an odd request, but at the very least you will have the chance to glimpse 15 (you're probably hoping 30) years down the road... :)
My dad and I were involved in Indian Princesses as I grew up. He was one of the founding Dad's of the Apache tribe (in looking at the website, I remember him designing the warrior that is still on their shirts...). These memories are some of my favorite times growing up. From Peace River where we canoed, counted alligators, climbed around the amphitheater, ran rampant through the woods looking for a "bad guy" named patch (perhaps this ghost story villain is still lurking in the Apache tribe), watched the medicine man almost burn his headdress in the BIG bonfire, to Circle F and learning to kayak, to the spring campout, to doing family events. I could go on and on.
Anyway, things got crazy and most of us never really broke our arrows...we just continued enjoying time together. The Peace River trips lasted into high school. The joke became that we'd break our arrows on our wedding day.
Well-I'm getting married July 9th, and I want to do something special with an arrow for my dad at the rehearsal dinner (he has no idea). I've looked for details on what's said or how the broken arrow ceremony actually went, and can't find anything. Would you have anything saved that I could alter a bit to fit what I want to do? If not I can come up with something, but I thought it would be neat to look back at it and come up with something to say that actually could reflect these times.
Golden Morning
PS-feel free to pass this on to the Apache tribe :) Let them see a piece of the times before them :)
Thanks for the congratulations. Yes, I did do something with the arrow Friday night at our rehearsal dinner.
I made a frame with some pictures over the years in Indian princesses of my dad and I with the words "pals forever, friends always" and decorated an arrow. We broke it together when I gave him the frame and he carried his piece in his suit pocket the next day as he walked me down the aisle. (He showed it to me as he walked into the room right before we went down the aisle). Thank you for the help! It was a very special time.
Feel free to share our story, I will pass on a picture when I get one from someone…I'm sure that they're out there :)
Thanks (and Go Gators)
Golden Morning (Chrissanna Krisch)